Running in Underpants!

Hello, Blogosphere!

I guess since I’m updating you guys on life events that have happened in my 4 months of hiatus, I should probably go in order.

July was a milestone in its own very special way – for multiple reasons. One very important event, though, was that it was the month I achieved something I never thought I would have the motivation and/or ability to do.. I completed the Underwear Affair 10k run!

Looking back, there were probably a couple of things that could’ve been better… like for example the fact that I had ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI BEFORE THE RUN…….. so smart, Tina.. SO. Smart. I honestly thought I would have had enough hours to digest all of the deliciousness, but no. I did not. Thus, my first hurdle of the run was trying really hard not to projectile vomit on the runners around me. Then, once I got over the nauseousness, around the 5K mark, my knee started to feel funny. Which eventually led me to limping around 2K of the run with my running partner supporting me. There were literally people who we ran past that yelled “Now that’s what we call support!! Get it? Cause you’re both wearing bras?” Ha. Ha. Ha. The good thing is that around the last 2Ks of the run, something in my brain clicked and I said to myself “eff it. If I’m crossing that finish line, then I’m sure as hell crossing it RUNNING.” And so, I did.

After the run it was seriously a rush of relief and adrenaline that I’ve never really felt before. I’ve never challenged myself physically like that before and I was SO happy I was able to complete it. This run was not only a test of my physical limits but also something that meant so much to me. I had gotten so much support going up to the run, and I couldn’t let all of that love go to waste. To top it all off, my running partner, Navio, did not give up on me during the entire run, which in turn did not allow me to give up on myself. 10K was a piece of cake for someone like him, who usually runs that amount to warm up – ha. I could not thank him more for being there for me throughout the entire thing. Plus, he got us a lot of attention during the run with his attire :)

I’ve had a break from running since then to give my knees a bit of a rest, but I was gifted some Nike Frees on my birthday from my BFFS, so I’m itching to get on the pavement again. Who knows, maybe I’ll eventually turn into a running junkie and crave that ‘runners high’ that everyone talks about (unlikely). Either way, I now have this milestone to look back on to remind myself that I should never stop pushing my limits. I am thankful that I was not only able to run, but also to be a part of such an amazing cause. Thank you to EVERYONE who donated, sent inspiration/motivational messages and believed that I could do it. I seriously have some amazing people in my life.

Fuck cancer. :)

<3 Tina

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