The day everything changes.

It’s a weird feeling, knowing that a certain day will be the day that everything changes. I mean, we watch movies and read books about the day that is “the beginning of everything”, and it’s usually all in past tense. Hind sight is 20/20 right? You’ve come to a point where you realize nothing is the same anymore, so you try and backtrack to the day that it all happened.

But what if you know before it happens?

I am aware that the results of tomorrow will basically determine a huge chunk of the next year in my life.

Weirdest feeling ever.

It’s like anything I do today holds no purpose or substance. Everything is waiting and anticipating tomorrow. It’s the weirdest feeling ever.

I might be having a panic attack.

Hey again…..!

I promise to not make this another apologetic blog post, only to leave again after a few back to back instalments. But really, sorry. This time it’s been 2 years! I’ve decided to not put so much pressure on myself to create ‘content’.. but rather, just to write for the sake of writing again.

I remember back in high school when writing down my thoughts was all I wanted to do after stressful day. That’s probably how I came to be the person that I am – not being able to make any adequate decisions until I understood all aspects and options.

But I digress..

My only thoughts for today is that I’m thankful. I guess it’s good timing, considering it’s Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow. But, really. There are many things in my life to be thankful for, and it’s never bad practice to count your blessings. So, here we go.

1) My independence.
This past September marked the first anniversary that I moved out of my parents house (after much drama and turmoil), and out on my own. I started off with the best roommate one could wish for on their first outing, and now I’ve moved on to a place to which I can really call my home. There’s something about buying furniture that makes you feel like a real adult, isn’t there?

2) Stability.
Only after I decided to leave my previous job, did I understand how vital stability is to my sanity. I went through 4 months of unemployment, which meant inability to make life decisions due to finances, and just overall mental stress. I was trying to put myself outside my comfort zone in order to make a life I could be happy with. In the end, push came to shove and I had to settle on something that provided me with a stable income, rather than the ‘passion’ I was looking for.. but that’s a battle for another time.

3) Family & Friends.
It still kind of takes my breathe away sometimes, how much our friends are willing to help. I have so much support around me, it can be overwhelming to think about. I will always be thankful to those who believe in me, even during moments when I don’t believe in myself.

4) Love.
When I think of that line “a love to call my own”, I get that warm, fuzzy, feeling in my heart that is seriously vomit worthy. But really, to have someone in your life that makes you feel you like you have a partnership to get through the tough days is really something. The happy parts ain’t bad either.

I didn’t plan this post out (like I usually do – with pictures readily at hand), but it felt nice to have some thoughts jot down. Hopefully, this Thanksgiving, you can take the time to count some of your blessings too.

Till next time!

<3 Tina

Much Needed Me Time

Hello, blogosphere.

Every once in a while, I like to enjoy what I call a “no human contact day”. A day where I ignore my phone, stay in pajamas and just enjoy some time to myself. Since July, I had been working 7 days a week, travelling to different places and just felt like I was constantly on the go. I spared what little free time I had for salvaging what remained of my social life and catching up on sleep. But even now, as my hectic schedule is winding down with the end of my internship, I still found myself spread thin between picking up hours at work, and playing catch up with some slightly neglected friends.

Then yesterday, after a slightly hectic Black Friday, it all kind of came to a halt for me. Sometimes, you just get that feeling of being overwhelmed and wanting to hit pause. Now, although we can’t all be like the movie “Click” and literally hit pause on life, it doesn’t mean that we can’t give ourselves a little bit of breathing room – and that is literally what I gave myself today to do. For the first time in a long while I had the entire day off and the whole house to myself – and I took full advantage of it. So, I lit some candles, cooked myself some unhealthy meals, lounged on the couch reading, played my own music slightly louder than it should’ve been, stretch my fingers along the much forgotten about piano, and even had time for a nap.

I had to bail on some very understanding friends today (love you!) in order to give myself this time, but I end this day with my head a little clearer and my heart a little lighter, which I’m sure will go a long way. Now, as I ease myself back into the real world, I urge you all to give my “no human contact day” a try every once in a while. It may be hard at first to disconnect yourself from your phone (aka the rest of life), but you’ll realize that you’re really only doing yourself a favour at the end of the day.

Till next time,

<3 Tina

Hello… and sorry.

Hello, Blogosphere!

Let me start this off by profusely apologizing for my absence. However, that is usually what happens when you start working 7 days a week with only 2 days off over a 4 month span. Forgive me?

The last 4 months have definitely been a whirlwind of events. There has been ups and downs (as life usually does) in both my personal and work life. I’m happy to say, though, that I seem to have come out on top for the time being (ask me again in a month).

Now, as I begin to sort out my life again in preparation for the next chapter, please allow me to catch you up on some pretty sweet life events within the next few posts.

I hope you’re as excited to read as much as I’m excited to share :)

Blog soon, friends!

<3 Tina

A Different Perspective

I’ve come to realize how much life can change in just a matter of a few weeks. When I started this blog, I had honestly thought that I was at one of the lowest ruts in my life. And I don’t say that to be emotional or dramatic, because instead of wallowing in things that could’ve been, I took matter into my own hands and sought to change for the better. I decided to focus on things that I knew brought me happiness, to confide in friends that I knew only had my best interest at heart, and only associated myself with people and things that didn’t bring my life negativity. And just like that, it was like someone had flipped a switch.

I believe that perspective is a huge part of enjoying life. Instead of focusing on the bad, I chose to only see the good and it was as if all the good in the world was attracted to me all of the sudden! In the span of a couple of weeks, I’ve received more good news – about not just myself, but my friends and family, than I’ve ever had before in such a small time frame!

I’ll keep this short and sweet in fears of it getting SUPER sappy.. but I just wanted to share a little piece of my new found happiness with you guys. So if you’re ever feeling down in the dumps.. hang in there and just remember that sometimes, it’s just a matter of changing some perspective – and sure enough, you could be flying!

Vancouver Underwear Affair 2012!


I started exercising this year with pretty much only one thing in mind. To participate in the BC Cancer Foundation’s Underwear Affair. Of course, becoming fit and healthy were also valid reasons, but this was the first year where I felt that I was given the privilege to be able to run while many others who are in their own battles with cancers under the waist may not be as lucky.

This run, to me, is not only a way to give back to a cause that is now dear to my heart, but also a way of showing that because of the support from the people around me, I am not only able to pull myself through a rough patch in my life, but also be given the strength to help others in similar situations. I’ve been in this fight for 3 years now and it has definitely been a few of the hardest years of my life so far. Without the support from my family and friends, I definitely wouldn’t have had the strength to be where I am today.

So, give a little, give a lot – give whatever you want! Just know that your encouragement will mean the world to me, and that your money will go towards helping someone live another day and hope for another tomorrow.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Please visit to make your donation today ♥

Are You Happy?

My my my.. the first blog EVER. The possibilities of what I could blog about were endless.. but I decided to go with what made me decide to blog in the first place.

I’m sure everyone gets to a point in their life where you ask yourself what exactly you’re doing. After many varying turns of events in my life, I realized that I didn’t really have a direction that I was heading anymore. That’s when you ask yourself a simple question.. Are you happy? I was wasting time on 9gag one day when I came across this image that pretty much sums it up perfectly. If you aren’t happy with what’s in your life right now, why aren’t you changing it? Why waste days carrying on with nothing to feel joy for? Long story short, I’ve come to a point in my life where I don’t really know what the future holds.. but I decided that I shouldn’t be waiting around for something to happen. Today marks the day where I will be active in finding simple pleasures in life.. and challenging myself to throw myself out there for opportunities that can’t be found between the sheets and my bed, where I’d taken refuge for the past few days. Thus, welcome to my blog.. where I can share these findings for all to see. Here it goes..!