Much Needed Me Time

Hello, blogosphere.

Every once in a while, I like to enjoy what I call a “no human contact day”. A day where I ignore my phone, stay in pajamas and just enjoy some time to myself. Since July, I had been working 7 days a week, travelling to different places and just felt like I was constantly on the go. I spared what little free time I had for salvaging what remained of my social life and catching up on sleep. But even now, as my hectic schedule is winding down with the end of my internship, I still found myself spread thin between picking up hours at work, and playing catch up with some slightly neglected friends.

Then yesterday, after a slightly hectic Black Friday, it all kind of came to a halt for me. Sometimes, you just get that feeling of being overwhelmed and wanting to hit pause. Now, although we can’t all be like the movie “Click” and literally hit pause on life, it doesn’t mean that we can’t give ourselves a little bit of breathing room – and that is literally what I gave myself today to do. For the first time in a long while I had the entire day off and the whole house to myself – and I took full advantage of it. So, I lit some candles, cooked myself some unhealthy meals, lounged on the couch reading, played my own music slightly louder than it should’ve been, stretch my fingers along the much forgotten about piano, and even had time for a nap.

I had to bail on some very understanding friends today (love you!) in order to give myself this time, but I end this day with my head a little clearer and my heart a little lighter, which I’m sure will go a long way. Now, as I ease myself back into the real world, I urge you all to give my “no human contact day” a try every once in a while. It may be hard at first to disconnect yourself from your phone (aka the rest of life), but you’ll realize that you’re really only doing yourself a favour at the end of the day.

Till next time,

<3 Tina