Vancouver Underwear Affair 2012!


I started exercising this year with pretty much only one thing in mind. To participate in the BC Cancer Foundation’s Underwear Affair. Of course, becoming fit and healthy were also valid reasons, but this was the first year where I felt that I was given the privilege to be able to run while many others who are in their own battles with cancers under the waist may not be as lucky.

This run, to me, is not only a way to give back to a cause that is now dear to my heart, but also a way of showing that because of the support from the people around me, I am not only able to pull myself through a rough patch in my life, but also be given the strength to help others in similar situations. I’ve been in this fight for 3 years now and it has definitely been a few of the hardest years of my life so far. Without the support from my family and friends, I definitely wouldn’t have had the strength to be where I am today.

So, give a little, give a lot – give whatever you want! Just know that your encouragement will mean the world to me, and that your money will go towards helping someone live another day and hope for another tomorrow.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Please visit to make your donation today ♥